What's Working

Solving the World’s Most Pressing Problems

“What’s Working: Solving the World’s Most Pressing Problems” is a partnership between the Skoll Foundation and the Solutions Insights Lab, an initiative of the Solutions Journalism Network, informed by our shared interest in identifying and interrogating what’s working — and what’s not — in the field of social innovation and supporting research and dialogue to advance problem-solving knowledge.

The website and database are used by journalists, philanthropists, policy makers and change agents to learn more about promising responses to the world’s most pressing problems so that they can support, collaborate with, and shine a light on these ideas and models.

This website includes two types of stories: reported stories on Skoll Awardees and grantees that have been found in the Solutions Journalism Network’s Solutions Story Tracker®, and structured interviews conducted with representatives from organizations that have received support from the Skoll Foundation over the past 20 years. The interviews represent a starting point to draw out practical insights from a wide range of individuals and organizations that have been working to address a myriad of social challenges.

Each interview seeks to surface the following elements:

Two people share information with each other.


Focuses on a response to a social problem — and on how that response has worked, or why it hasn't

A hand points to a person in profile with a checkmark.


Shows what can be learned from a response and why it matters

A person is speaking.


Provides data or qualitative results that indicate effectiveness (or lack thereof)

A speech bubble shows a circle with a line through it.


Places responses in context; doesn't shy away from revealing shortcomings

A website where you can search across sectors, regions and key topics to learn about efforts to solve social problems. The goal is to engage, inspire and empower people to better address social challenges.

Get Connected

The Solutions Insights Lab uncovers insights, themes and patterns that can inspire and inform social change organizations. Working with notable organizations from around the globe, the Lab is a resource for social entrepreneurs, investors, nonprofits, NGOs and more.

To get in touch, email the Solutions Insights Lab.